Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

108. Carol Rydell: How To Navigate The Natural Cycles of Life



“I never make a wrong decision, I make the most informed decision of the moment.” Carol Rydell is a spiritual seeker and the founder and director of New Earth Wealth Mystery School™. In this role, she serves as a mentor and catalyst for amazing souls and spiritual entrepreneurs who are deeply committed to their growth and transformation. In her ‘safe containers’, Carol guides people on a mystical journey where they connect with their inner shaman so they can come to love and trust themselves on a level they’ve never experienced before. Carol is no stranger to navigating the ups and downs of life - something she describes as learning to live in fluidity. For example, she followed her soul’s calling to sell her accountancy firm at the height of her career so she could travel, learn about where abundance comes from, and discover parts of herself that she didn’t know existed. In this episode, Carol explains how we can learn to navigate the waves of life by tapping into natural cycles. She reminds u