Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

105. Dom P Quartuccio: From Numbness To Greatness. How To Feel Your Way To A Happier Life



“When you hear this thing, "These days, it’s difficult to be a man," don’t buy the bullshit. I think there has never been a better time to be a man than today.” Are you in touch with your feelings? Or do you deliberately ignore or push down your emotions because they’re too difficult to feel? Dominick Quartuccio used to be the alpha male - a ladies man, and a high-performer. He clocked up a 15-year career in financial services and earned a corner office in Times Square. In the traditional sense, Dom was a huge ‘success’. But despite all his achievements, inside he felt restless and numb. Dom realized that he’d shrunk his emotional world so severely; he didn’t know how to feel. As a result, he lost access to the infinite wisdom within. He couldn’t access his intuition and this meant his inner greatness remained locked away. Something had to change... Dom committed to feeling his emotions. He discovered that instead of being ‘evil’, his emotions provided invaluable data. They gave fire and c