Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

87. Joshua Lee: What to Do after Losing your Marriage, your Money, and your Businesses



“Most people base success on how much money someone is making. Based on that I was successful but felt horrible, and I knew something had to change.” This episode’s guest got his first taste of entrepreneurship in middle school when he started selling candy out of his locker. By the time he was 24, Joshua Lee was running 16 companies and generating a couple million dollars a month. To the outside world, he’d made it. He had more money than he knew what to do with. He was living a luxury life with his wife and two kids and he was surrounded by friends in similar positions. But inside, he felt horrible and miserable. His relationships had become transactional and his identity and self-esteem was driven by the figure in his bank account. Worse than that, Josh didn’t feel as though he knew himself. His in-laws didn’t feel comfortable when he talked about his business success meaning there was this whole side to Josh that was buried and unexpressed to people outside his business circles. Eventu