Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

86. Demi McConkie: How To Find Your Soul's Purpose



“Purpose is the precipice of meaning, and without meaning, we are just doing chores.”Purpose is ‘everything’. It’s the fuel that gives meaning to life and it’s the key that unlocks the motivation to act. Without purpose, there’s no reason to do the hard stuff or no incentive to step out of your comfort zone. That’s why figuring out your purpose is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself. But it’s not an easy path to walk - and that’s not your fault. As a human, you have to dance through life with two competing ‘partners’. First, there’s your Monkey Mind - your reactive, inner critic, fear-fueled self. The part of you that’s desperate to keep you safe and keep you away from risk. Secondly, there’s your ‘Soul Purpose Heart’ - the part of you who’s connected to source. The wild dreaming, big loving consciousness that wants you to thrive. And the life you get to live is determined by which partner you allow to dominate your dance.This episode's guest is dedicated to helping you n