Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

79. Zark Fatah: Changing Your Life After The Age of 40



“Success means different things to different people. You create your own definition of success, and it has nothing to do with the type of car you’re driving or the brand of watch you’re wearing.” When this episode’s guest hit 40, he realized something had to change.Despite spending 15 years in the entertainment and hospitality industry [where he’d launched a dozen businesses], Zark Fatah didn’t have the life he wanted.His success felt superficial because it was based on material possessions. He felt lonely in love, he didn’t jump out of bed to get to work, and because he had a habit of spending more than he earned, he was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.It was a wake up call.Surely there was more to life than this? The man in the mirror wasn’t the guy he wanted to be. So he let go, deconstructed his life, and redefined himself - beyond recognition.And in this episode, you get to hear what Zark did and how his life has changed as a result.“As humans, we are all curious individuals. It’s just in our na