Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

47. Danette May - Embracing Your Rise To Live Your Truth



“Our only job as humans is to live in our truth.”I didn’t know who Danete was when I took the empty spot next to her at dinner.It was at a mastermind. I’d set myself the intention of connecting with some incredible humans and somehow I felt drawn to that empty seat. As we started chatting, I didn’t feel like I was having a conversation for the first time. I felt as though I already knew Danette.It was beautiful, I was inspired, and I absolutely had to have Danette share her story right here - on the Stay Grounded podcast.Now there’s a reason this is episode 47.This number takes us right back to the rock bottom moment when Danette’s life transformed.Rewind 5 years and Danette had just lost her son during childbirth, she was recently divorced, and had just $47 to her name.This scenario would break most people, but somehow Danette found the courage to turn her ‘muck’ into opportunity and RISE into the phoenix of who she’s supposed to be in this lifetime.“You don’t have to love all of it, but you get to love your