

When was the last time you experienced flow —where time dissolved, you were more present than ever and you also performed at your best? We've all been there —and today's episode is with one of the thought leaders and experts of bringing Flow science, research and practices into the mainstream. Which is why I'm honored to host someone I consider a mentor, Steven Kotler. Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning journalist. As the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective, he is one of the world’s leading experts on high performance. His most recent work, Stealing Fire, was a national bestseller and nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. It documents an underground revolution in peak performance that is rapidly going mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar economy and forcing us to rethink how we lead more satisfying, productive and meaningful lives. Steven’s work have been translated into over 40 languages and appeared in over 100 publications, including The New York Times, Atla