The Tony Robbins Podcast

Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever | The Last Fireside Chat with Tony and Sage Robbins



Despite a universally challenging year for all, there have been so many blessings – if we take the time to stop and look. In this third and final Fireside Chat of 2020, Tony and Sage share the simple rituals they do together with their family at this time each year.   Listen to hear their own new year traditions, and they’ll encourage you to put together a few photos, too. Note your big accomplishments (and the little ones!), remember the magic moments, reconnect to the joy and laughter that can easily be forgotten but recreated just as quickly as you ground yourself in gratitude and appreciate those moments all over again.  Consider the challenges of the past year, too, through a different lens – the circumstances or situations that may have caused pain at the time but pushed you to evolve and grow, built resilience, forged progress, and, as a result, ultimately blessed your life. Find the blessing, be the blessing, and your life will be blessed. And, as you’ll hear in this episode, as we head into the New Y