He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

We’ll tell you if you tell us…..New Year’s Resolutions that is!



  It’s a new year and like so many of you Terry, Ina and Michelle have made resolutions. So we will tell you ours if you tell us yours. Let’s talk about why do people make New Year resolutions? Okay so did you say that you want to lose weight? Are you on your way to the gym twice a week? Will get your finance in order? How many of you will get married, or engaged? Make that change I your life but unsure how? How many in the LGBT community have or will schedule those doctor appointments this year and keep them?   Here are some numbers that may surprise you about how long it will take you to forget the New Year’s Resolution: About 75% of people maintain their resolution through the first week. Congratulations to those who made that goal.  If you have pasted the two week mark and still working your plan then you are in the 71% to achieve. Now if you get past the six month mark you are in the elite 46% that made that promise Jan 1st and you stood strong. So will you make it? We would love to know what the numbe