He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Now You See It Now You Don't: Racism in America



Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Fred Hampton who were black leaders, feared so much that they were killed. Tonight we will talk about another tragedy in Black History (Trayvon Martin) we can’t ignore because it’s still going on.In neighborhoods across America.Why are African American men at risk, subject to harassment, prosecution, incarceration even execution simply for living, walking or “driving while black”? Why are African Americans still judged by negative stereotypes on sight, regardless of socio-economic status? Why must we still prove we “belong” in neighborhoods and communities across the country? Racism in the United Sates: the double standard impacting the lives of every African American. Join Ina, Michelle and Terry Boi with guest professor, philosopher and writer, Jackie Anderson, Sarah Hoagland and Anne Leighton.They have joined forces to write about Trayvon Martin who was killed before he even became a man.