Love, Life, Law of Attraction

How to Find a Good Man in a Post Weinstein Dating World



There are a lot of good men, and good men are finding themselves in really choppy waters right about now. They are having to navigate a lot of conversations and relationships with what feels like a target on their backs that they didn’t earn just because they are male. They feel the anger welling up in women. These good men are listening to the stories. They are reading the articles. They are affected on many levels. The good ones are hearing the messages loud and clear. The challenge is, they aren’t the ones we needed to get the memo. We need the abusers and assholes to get on board, but they are not moving to the right side of this issue willingly. They are being moved through lawsuits and public humiliation. They are very busy right now victim blaming and dodging their history while the good guys are trying to find their way to man up responsibly. We're going to talk about how to find a good man when it feels like all the good ones are hiding. Read the blog post HERE.