ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

206: Personal Brands vs Business Brands for Blogs



Is There a Right Way to Brand Your Blog? I’m just back from our Aussie Problogger training events where we ran masterminds with around 40 bloggers per city. In those days speakers spent time with small groups of attendees in round table discussions where attendees could ask us any question they liked. One of the questions that I got asked repeatedly through both masterminds was around whether it is better to give a blog a personal brand or more of a business brand? In one case the questioner was about to start a new blog and was wondering if they should set it up on a domain that was their own name or if they should choose a name that was nothing to do with them. Another blogger asked what to do when they felt trapped on a blog with a personal domain - but they wanted to introduce other writers onto the blog. Yet another blogger had the opposite issue - they had set up their blog on a domain and with a brand that was very niche specific but now felt trapped because they wanted to change their focus and e