Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love




Discover what is important to you. This noted author, artist and teacher lost a dear one. As memorial to her friend her book became the anifesto for an intentional life for thousands of people. In Live with Intention, Radmacher shares the story of how she learned to live more robustly by watching how her courageous friend chose to die. People who keep Radmacher’s writings at the ready, say this writing is both inspiring and comforting. Extraordinary lessons are drawn from ordinary experiences. Rich in story, metaphor and poetry, Live with Intention explores with you what it means to live each day with purposeful intent: Understand what matters most for you Deepen what already makes your life rich Determine your unique way to make a difference Mary Anne Radmacher is among the most-quoted women writers of our day. Her wisdom is found on greeting cards, journals, calendars, Instagram and Pinterest, in broadcast news, sermons, ceremonies and commencement speeches.