Align Shine Prosper

CHEMTRAILS: An INHUMANE Act on a Population



Listen now and 'prove' to yourself that chemtrails are not contrails. CHEMTRAILS are toxic chemicals sprayed by aircraft over crops, nature, water, and human beings, which is an INHUMANE act on a population, a CRIME against humanity, ASSAULT on Earth, and all life.The chemtrail debate ends the moment you look at the sky over your head. Something each of us can do right now is ask for police protection from chemtrails. Do it anonymously if you like for the love of yourself, your family, and natural systems required for survival. more at http://geoengineeringwatch.org in COMMENT section below.Our guest Yacob Yoseh is a technical specialist with a proven track record in higher mind problem solving techniques. Yacob's Mother after 20 years on medication, and with doctor’s approval, no longer required medication thanks to Yacob's research into endocrinology. His study and