Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

244: Origins of Skewed Masculinity with Johnny Elsasser



Johnny is a former special operations U.S. Army Ranger with 4 combat tours between Iraq and Afghanistan. After the military Johnny worked for a private company protecting the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq in Baghdad for 5 years. After spending almost 10 years in and out of the Middle East, Johnny struggled with his transition to the daily life of being back home. Johnny decided that he needed to support other men struggling with similar experiences and in doing so he developed his new purpose. Johnny has seen the field of masculinity from an extremely alpha perspective and knows the trials and tribulations the hardest men deal with. Through his podcast and social media platforms, Johnny has taken his experience to follow a new mission helping men realize they are not alone and through techniques ranging from rewiring their synaptic responses and incorporating internal awareness, they can build a life where they are no longer alone, depressed, and fighting to find purpose. 3:12 – Johnny’s story 7:40 –