Quantum Hologram Matrix

Jason Quitt, Resurrecting The Ancient Sacred Arts Of Healing



In my early 20’s, I started having terrifying experiences of sleep paralysis. I would be awakened by a presence in my room but I would be frozen and unable to wake myself up. These experiences started to happen more frequently and I started to become more and more conscious of what was going on. One night as I was trying very hard to shake myself out of this paralysis, something happened I wasn’t expecting. I shook myself so hard that I popped out of my body and had my first out-of-body experience. As I came out of my body, I could see myself lying in bed frozen and there was a very tall being standing at the end of my bed. I knew that this was a genuine experience and was beyond my comprehension. From that moment on my perception of this world has shifted.https://thecrystalsun.com/Music By Spaceboy at www.spaceboymusic.com