Quantum Hologram Matrix

M & Ms. M of Deep Disclosure & The 7th Seal Summit



The Divine Ms. M world renowned Psychic Medium and Oracle for the earth liberation movement. Ms. M has worked exclusively on global transformation as an interdimensional telepath, remote viewer and psychic intuitive relaying mission critical information to the liberation front on the ground as a liaison to the Lemurian Council and Galactic High Council. She is now sharing her gifts with the world to help others dealing with grief, individuals seeking clarity and those ready to take the next step on the Ascension path. She is a fully conscious medium, medical intuitive, energy worker, sound healer and human divining rod. She has contributed as a consultant in criminal investigations, worked with medical professionals to accurately diagnose medical issues and has helped recovery specialist to locate missing artifacts. Ms M. is a true Renaissance woman, a multimedia artist, visionary entrepreneur and Actionist dedicated to building a better world. divinemsm.com deepdisclosure.comCreator and SpeakerMathues Imhote