Quantum Hologram Matrix

Karen Chritine Patrick Removing Financial Hardships For Experiencers



https://karenchristinepatrick.blogspot.com/kcpatrick.comINTRODUCTION: The idea of a Basic Income has been percolating into the mainstream as an idea to change the discussion about economics from “top-down” discussions that don’t seem to resonate at the level where most of us live. Also, we are now aware of threats to true democracy from wealth inequality, threats to free speech and civil discourse from social media wedded to clandestine surveillance.The “stick” in the “carrot and stick” social engineering going on, so subtle most people don’t realize it until they begin to question the status-quo, is that financial assassination is possible because we do not have a floor to poverty. As long as people can fall completely “down and out” financially, the idea of free speech on any topic is under threat.This book gives an overview on how the idea of a Basic Income would support those who want to have open discussions about many fringe topics, UFOs, Exopolitics, Psychic Abilities, Conspiracies,