The Time Of Harvest By Rick Gioia

Coping With Your Parents Divorce When You're No Longer a Child by Nancy Ellen Kenyon



My first experience with any divorce occurred when I was just a child and a beloved family member was murdered during the epitome of a horrible divorce; leaving my niece, a precious four year old child, with no mother and a father in prison. As I matured, I earned a degree in child development and continued to train in the field of relationships. As a married woman, my husband and I not only had six children, but adopted four children whose birth parents had divorced after their birth. For the last fifteen years we have co-instructed the mandatory divorce class in the state of Vermont for the University of Vermont Extension Service. Besides instructing numerous workshops and seminars for parents and children, we are developing a curriculum on divorce recovery for adults and childrn; the pilot program just completed its first run. It was through the mandatory divorce seminar that I first realized the need for a book written for adults whose parents were divorcing. Slowly, over the years, we began to see more a