Mother Metaphor

The Business of Writing...Protecting Your Intellectual Property



The Business of WritingProtecting Your Intellectual Property…How many of us have had the creativity we've given birth to stolen from under our noses? Beginning on Saturday, June 5th, 2010 from 9pm – 11pm (and continuing on a monthly basis) I will conduct a show on Intellectual Property. This is with regard to your poetry, scripts, books, recipes and so on....Even if you're unable to make the show, (it will be available on iTunes after) TELL SOMEONE!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT...YOU WILL NOW KNOW HOW TO PROTECT YOUR WORK!!!There will be a panel of experts giving advice and methods to keeping your work safe while getting it out into the world to do what it was meant to do…inspire!We will also be giving grant information as well as legal forms required to make YOU a brand name…Join Us! Repost this!