Conversations In Speech Pathology

CSP 033: The Road to Graduate School - Conversations in Speech Pathology



I'm not sure what the profession looks like in the rest of the world, but here in the U.S. the field of speech pathology is getting harder to get into. There are currently more applicants than available spots in graduate school. What exactly are graduate programs looking for in candidates these days? Do grades and test scores still matter as much as other factors? Today's episode can't begin to answer these questions definitively (I'm sure there are a wide range of requirements depending on the program). But I am happy to welcome Heidi Verticchio, a speech-language pathologist and graduate program/clinic director at Illinois State University's Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders. In our conversation, Heidi talks about what ISU's program looks for in a candidate, how undergraduates are prepared for the future application process, newer methods for selecting applicants, and more. This episode was made possible in part by at least 2 listener requests. I hope they (and you) get something useful out