
Observed mirroring: Creating the Base Seeing the Perspective



    Whichever way we choose to view the circumstances of our current world there is no denying that there is a degree of change taking place. We have come into a vantage point of observing our life so that we may broaden our horizon into that what we choose to be. We look ahead in anticipation into a world that has shifted seemingly overnight. These timelines are here to offer the way of the warrior. The choice to dare to surpass the tremulous road into one of light and wide open vistas.  Join us for a show that assists us all in seeing a movement  that has begun to shift our world as we know it. Being prepared to surpass and work towards our goal is of the essence. The Ripple affect is continuous ever evolving and has now expanded into what is known as rippln. The lessons and experience of this movement have just stretched further. With each movement forward we expand into endless possibilities and probabilities.