Jay Today Podcast

Stop Worshiping Originality



Many businesses these days spend hours in meeting rooms trying to figure out what the next big thing will be and how they can harness its power.But being the first or the most original isn't as important as doing whatever you do with conviction, and doing it well.Steve Jobs wasn't the first to come up with a smartphone or a tablet, but he flawlessly executed their release into the world.We need to stop overvaluing originality and undervaluing execution. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to Chris Moody (http://twitter.com/cnmoody) who works with Oracle and is a man-about-town in the Raleigh area of North Carolina. Follow Chris for marketing insights and some fun "that's what she said" references. OUR SPONSORSCandidio (http://candidio.com), a simple and affordable video production company. Follow @candidio on Twitter. Sprout Social (http://sproutsocial.com), a social media management and analytics company that Jay uses for much of his social