Jay Today Podcast

Tell Me: Am I Using LinkedIn All Wrong?



Jay has recently started using the LinkedIn Publishing platform to repurpose popular blog posts, and even transcriptions of the Jay Today show, to reach new audiences.But a strange thing has happened since publishing - tons of new connection requests that Jay doesn't know are flooding into his inbox.LinkedIn always seemed different than other networks in that it was about connecting with people that you know IRL, whereas Twitter and Google+ are more public "follow" networks where it's about making new connections. The great thing about LinkedIn has been that there is less noise and more great content from people we know.But maybe we're using LinkedIn all wrong. What do you think?SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to DJ Waldow (http://twitter.com/djwaldow) who is starting a new email newsletter about rediscovering his passion while helping others do the same (http://socialbutterflyguy.com/).OUR SPONSORSCandidio (http://candidio.com), a simple