Jay Today Podcast

Two New Examples of How Helping Beats Selling



We're all about finding new ways to be helpful to fans and customers instead of always trying to sell to them, and these two new examples of Youtility will knock your socks off.During a recent trip to Arizona, Jay heard an awesome commercial on the radio about a car dealer who bought a band for one of its Facebook fan's wedding. The Valley Honda Dealers participate in what they call "Random Acts of Helpfulness," and this radio commercial showcased their helpful nature, not their car promotions. While we're not sure what the outcome was in terms of ROI, that is one helpful treat that this fan will never forget.Another great example of Youtility is one that can actually save lives. A couple of college students developed a nail polish that people can use to help detect the presence of date-rape drugs in their drinks. Learn more: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nail-poli... SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to Greg Taylor (http://twitter.com/grtayl