Jay Today Podcast

Tell Your Story Everywhere Not Just Your Website



A recent statistic showed that 80% of the average American's time online is spent on 15 websites or fewer.It's likely the same scenario for the way Americans shop and watch TV - we choose our favorite 5-15 places or channels to spend our time.This is extremely important for marketers because while you should focus some of your efforts on your own website content, you should focus more of them on the other websites and channels out there that your audience is already visiting such as Facebook, Youtube, Slideshare, and more. Think of your content marketing as a digital dandelion - your website is the stalk and the other networks and channels are the seeds. The magic of successful content marketing really lies in the seeds, because your website will never be one of the 15 websites that the average American spends most of their time.SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to David Meerman Scott (http://twitter.com/dmscott) who is a prolific author an