Jay Today Podcast

Not Everyone is a Tech Geek



The problem with technology is that it forces you to think that everybody uses technology.   What's happening at CES and the sharing economy in big cities isn't really happening in smaller town. This is a dangerous game to play because we think that everyone is using technology and social media, we start to create products and services that won't be consumed by the masses.   Take this ad that I found in my local paper - it's for a baby monkey doll called Clementine. If you order this weighted monkey doll for $99.99, you can expect to receive it at your house within 10-12 weeks (unless mobile app-delivered marijuana at your door within minutes or Amazon next-day delivery service).   This ad isn't from 50 years ago, it's from yesterday. There is a large percentage of this country that's more like that consumers who want a baby monkey doll than who want to know about the technology at CES.   You are not your own customer, and if you can remember that, you'll be better off.   SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/ja