Jay Today Podcast

The Content You Need is Under Your Nose



You think you might need new or more content this year, but it's possible that the content you need might be right under your nose.In all of the marketing trends and predictions for 2015, I've been saying the same thing: This year is going to be the year of cooperative content.What do I mean by this? I mean that the content sources that you have at your disposal are vast and untapped. Everyone that works for you, every customer you have, and every business partner is potentially a content creator. You can use their skills and knowledge to create new and interesting content that helps drive revenue. Stop thinking of content as some Hollywood film that you have to create and start considering the ways you can get your content out quickly. These Jay Today videos are recorded in my house with my iPhone, for example, yet we still get thousands of views each day.You have so many content sources at your finger tips, and my challenge for you in 2015 is to figure out how to use them.SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/