
Episode 116 – Defining the JMO Transition



Welcome back! In this episode we are continuing the conversation with Cameron-Brooks President and CEO, Chuck Alvarez. In Episode 114, Joel Junker interviewed Chuck as they explored how Cameron-Brooks helped Junior Military Officers (JMOs) move from the military to Corporate American in 2020 (during a global pandemic.) Chuck also looked forward to 2021 and shared his predictions on how things would shape up. In that episode, Chuck defined the word "transition", or at least how we define that word. In the process, he provided some much needed clarity and tangibility to the idea of a JMO transition. In this episode, I asked to Chuck to go deeper on the topic. In doing so, he makes some points in the conversation that I think will really help JMOs in their decision making process regarding a "transition." A major concern that executives in Corporate America consistently face is ensuring that their leadership bench at the Director and Vice President level is full of talent. Like the military, companies must be d