Heart Filled Holidays

Ep 10-5-15 Learn to Negotiate – Allie Irwin Interview



From kitchens to Christmas I’m covering organizing tips that can help make both the holidays and every day easier and better for moms. We’ll look at a couple ways to organize your kitchen and to deal with electronics and their cord clutter. But before we get to work it’s time to enjoy a little treat so we’ll take a look at 2 yummy Halloween treats the kids will love to make and eat. And Allie Irwin is joining me to discuss women and negotiation. It turns out women don’t like to negotiate and aren’t as good at it as we’d like to be. That affects our lives from the kitchen to the board room and from parenting to salary. Allie will enlighten us and show us some steps we can take to start improving out skills. Join us at noon ET on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com