Heart Filled Holidays

Kids and Stress Relief – Dr. Charlotte Reznick, author of The Power of Your Imagination, interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, June 1



We're kicking off today with a look at gardening. This is one of those activities that seems to belong to certain groups of people, gardeners, but it can actually bring huge benefits to all of us. So today we'll take a look at how gardening can be used to bring you closer to your kids. Along with gardening, we'll be talking about diets but not for you, for your house. Then we're chatting with Dr. Charlotte Reznick about kids and stress. Stress in children and teens is on the rise. As parents, there are things we can do to not just lessen our children's stress, but teach them skills that will let them handle their stress. It's a bit like the adage about giving a man a fish and teaching him to fish. In this case, as a parent, you may be able to make your child's stress go away, but if you give them Dr. Reznick's tools they'll be able to handle stress throughout their life. And we'll wrap up in Christmas Corner where we're continuing our new series about Christmas wreaths with two ways to make a ribbon wreath.