Heart Filled Holidays

Traditions, Memories and Happiness – Sandy Fowler, interviewer, radio host and personal consultant, shares ideas and tips for creating more joy on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, May 25



Today is Memorial Day and what better time to look at memories than that? This holiday is all about remembering and appreciating those who've served our country and those we love. This week's show will take it all a step further and look at interesting and creative ways to use memories to enjoy our holidays more and to add more meaning to our lives. We'll be spending the full hour together, just you and me on the air for a full hour of insights, ideas and suggestions. We'll talk about traditions, gifts, loved ones and more. If you're going to be celebrating and you aren't able to join me live then be sure to grab the podcast. Join us at noon ET (11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT) on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com