Heart Filled Holidays

Present Parenting – Susan Stiffelman, author of Parenting with Presence, interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, May 18



This week we're tackling paper clutter. We've all heard people talk about technology advancement, virtual homework and paperless societies. But it seems all this technology has just made it easier to generate paper and it all lands on our kitchen counters. We'll expand on last week's tip for reducing clutter and look at a simple plan for handling incoming paper. Then we're getting some insights on parenting from a completely different perspective - personal growth. We're interviewing Susan Stiffelman, author of Parenting with Presence, about parenting and the amazing journey it can take us on to find greater peace, joy and personal development. Susan says that even though most parents subscribe to the notion that inner growth happens as a result of daily meditation, mindfulness retreats, and inspiration from wise luminaries, it is actually their children who can be their greatest teachers. We'll find out what brought her to this conclusion and how we can harness these ideas to have a more peaceful and joyful