Heart Filled Holidays

Garage Sale Gold – Barb Tobias, Thrift Talk Diva, interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, April 27



Living with family is such a mixed bag – fun, love and excitement mixed in with a good dose of frustration. We’re kicking things off with a simple strategy that can save you some of that frustration. And, as a bonus, it can save you time and make getting the family dinner on the table a little easier. After that good news we’ll look at kid crafts that are perfect for Mother’s Day gifts. Then we’re talking to Barb Tobias, the Thrift Diva. Barb has a fun and fabulous perspective on using thrift to live large and have fun. She’ll be sharing tips for finding the best garage sales and getting the best deals along with ideas for turning trash into treasure. And finally we’re wrapping things up in Christmas Corner with simple ideas for homemade gifts, even if you feel like you don’t have enough talent to make anything.. Join us at noon ET (11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT) on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com Sponsor: RedShip, the college care package experts with items chosen by college students, for college students.