Heart Filled Holidays

Financially Savvy - Susan Schell interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, April 20



Mother's Day is around the corner and that means gifts for grandmas, moms, friends and other special women. Whether you're sentimental, practical or too busy to shop we have ideas for you. It's that time of year when teens are graduating high school and heading off to college and young adults are graduating college and heading out on their own. One thing they'll all need to do is handle their finances. Finances can be tough to teach; it might feel overwhelming to your child, you may not know where to start or you may not feel that you know enough to be the teacher. Susan Schell has taken care of that for you. Susan is a certified financial planner and she's joining us today to give us the inside scoop on shoring up your child's finances as they move into the world as adults. Then, in Christmas Corner, we're talking about family fun and family vacations. Summer is right around the corner and that's when families are itching to get out of town. Whether you're planning a day trip, a weekend getaway or a full