Heart Filled Holidays

Adjusting to College - Lisa Merritt interviewed by Sandy Fowler



Today we're kicking off with a chat about a common ‘mom problem', one of those traps moms fall into that make our lives more difficult. I ran into this one recently and will share my experience along with the story of how I got out of it. Then Lisa Merritt of Redship.com is joining us to talk about college. It's that time of year when the kids have gone, the house feels empty, our hearts are sad and our minds are worried. It's back-to-college time. Lisa was been researching college students and she'll be sharing what she's learned. Her insights include what our college students need and ways parents can stay in touch without irritating their offspring. And in Christmas Corner we're continuing our conversation about holiday travel. Even if you're not ready to think about the holidays, it's time to start thinking about your travel plans. Tune in to find out why you need to think about this now and 6 tips for making holiday travel easier. Heart Filled Holidays is a weekly talk radio broadcast. Sandy Fowler sh