Heart Filled Holidays

Kids' Parties ~ Guest: Jennifer Tetreault



Kids are amazing and there's nothing we love more than putting a smile on their face. Throwing a party is always a great way to do that! Whether they're six or sixteen, kids love the fun and food that comes with these events. So this week we're talking all about kids' parties! Those wonderful, exciting, hair-raising events that half of us love to throw and half of us dread. Either way, we're going to have great tips for creating events that are fun to host, great for the kids, and (hopefully) no-stress for you. We have Jennifer from Passion-for-Parties joining us and she's got terrific ideas that you guys are going to love. In addition to being the go-to gal for all things party, Jennifer is a wife and mother of four so she'll have time saving tips and ideas for making things run smoothly.