Global Impact




This broadcast segment of GLOBAL IMPACT addresses the social, economic, political, and racial dimensions of the death penalty. Over two thirds of the countries in the world have abolished the death penalty. Public support for the the death penalty is diminishing in the United States. We'll be discussing death penalty trends, the death penalty and innocence, cost of the death penalty, the death penalty and race, the death penalty and arbitrariness, the federal death penalty, the death penalty and deterrence, lethal injection, executions and medical ethics, the death penalty and mental illness, and the death penalty and foreign nationals. On this broadcast we will also be discussing the Troy Davis case in Georgia. His case illustrates so much of what is wrong about the death penalty and has become internationally known with 500,000 people signing an Amnesty International petition on his behalf. Our special guest will be Ms. Laura Moye who is the Director of Amnesty International USA's Death Penalty Abolitio