Decoding Excellence

Jorge Carvajal



In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I am speaking with Jorge Carvajal, a performance coach and consultant who works with elite athletes. Jorge has trained athletes at places like the University of Florida, the University of Nebraska, and the U.S. Olympic Training Center. He currently works with NFL, Tactical and Big Wave surging athletes. **Jorge and I discuss:** - His journey into coaching - The lessons his mentors taught him - Developing durability & resiliency in athletes - Flow producing environments - Longevity in the coaching profession You can catch up with Jorge on Twitter at [@CarvPerformance]( This episode of the Decoding Excellence show is brought to you by Vald Performance, the makers of the NordBord, DashBord, and the GroinBar. They can be found at []( Stay updated with the podcast by following me on Twitter via **@AdamRingler** or visiting [](htttp://w