Coffee Talk With Ian & Ivy

Ep. 3 [HEALTHY MUCH?]: Tech Tattoos, Edith Finch, Multiverses, Our Reality As A Simulation, and more



For their third episode, Ian & Ivy introduce their first monthly themed topic: the health industry.  The pair delve into tech tattoos, the specific technology behind them, their purpose, and their implications on daily life. Next up, the pair discuss a game they both watched a playthrough of (What Remains of Edith Finch), finding it compelling, raising a lot of questions about memories, family, and life in general. After discussions about multiple & parallel universes, a photo “ransom” from Photobucket, and a fun dystopian book Ivy read junior year, both contemplate what they would do if our reality turned out to be a simulation.  Use #CoffeeTalk for comments and ask the pair some questions using #AskIanIvy for their advice segment at the end of the month. Like our brand-new Facebook Page for show notes in the "Notes" tab ( If you can condense what you got in 140 characters, tweet us @coffeewianivy. We want to hear your thoughts on any of the topics we’ve dis