That Vet Life

A Veterinarian Reviews James Herriot: All Creatures Great and Small



This is an episode that has been months if not years in the making as I am unashamedly a huge nerd when it comes to James Herriot and his books. When I first heard they were remaking the tv show, All Creatures Great and Small I could hardly contain my excitement! Now, I know you can binge watch all of the episodes, but as I know all the stories inside out and backward I have chosen to wait to watch each episode as it's released on PBS Masterpiece each week to enjoy it in all it's glory. In this week's episode I'm giving you a glimpse to what a small animal veterinarian in 2021 thinks when watching this show/reading the books. I pull a great deal of 'behind the scenes' from the Alf Wight's biography James Herriot: A Memoir of My Father written by his son, Jim Wight.  I felt a new level of kinship after reading this biography as it uncovered many of the untold struggles Alf went through as a veterinarian, father and human. His life was not as warm and fluffy as his stories and tv make it out to be, but tha