Black Jade Radio

The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number One & Two



The digit between zero and two. The number that carries with it a prestige and swagger that most associate with greatness, speed, and competitiveness. If the number one could interact with people it would be proud, dark, good-looking, with a great job, and a firm grasp on the American Dream. Socially, the number one serves as a symbol of success and aspiration for all. Nobody wants to be anything but #1 in their class, their field, or their social spheres. Inasmuch as the number one bears a strong association with “the best” in American society, that is not the sole association that we can draw between the number one and its personality. The number one that we all know and love has a deeper history beneath its seemingly “successful” roots. That is why it is essential that we are made aware of the ancient significance of the number one in hopes of better understanding the number one, the number one as a symbol, and its profound effect on the modern-day design, marketing, and branding industries. If ther