Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Limits (taking care) (Show #586) | Download full MP3 from Apr 25, 2018



Dave Matthews Band - "Crash" - Crash [Loop, forwards] Dave Matthews Band - "Crash" - Crash [Loop, backwards] Ken - "Do something that you knew was you" Dave Matthews Band - "Crash" - Crash [Loop, backwards] Lemon Jelly - "Nice Weather for Ducks" - Lost Horizons Moondog - "What's the Most Exciting Thing" - Moondog 2 [Layers] David Lynch - "Some people love to be lost" Donald Swartz - "TWX in 12 Bars (Wall $treet Week theme)" [Layers of teletypes] Donald Swartz - "Opening to Wall $treet Week (with Louis Rukeyser)" [Complete with intro narrator] Liz Phair - "Shatter" - Exile in Guyville [Loops] Logan Lerman - "There is so much pain, I don't know how to stop noticing it" - The Perks of Being a Wallflower One-Minute Vacation - "Ducktown TN - Yard Birds (Ducktown TN 3/31/08)" - One-Minute Vacations Field recording - "Buenos Aires birds" Field recording - "Morning birds" One-Minute Vacation - "Sam the Bird (Cohasset MA 3/24/08)" - One-Minute Vacations Live phone call [and Ken breaths] Ken - "You can ask for anything