Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

(Show #472) A balloon that you let go of (Timeshifts) from Sep 11, 2013



Previous DJ - "WTJU DJ introducing show" Linda Draper - "Take It From Me" - Edgewise Garry Shandling, Sharon Stone - "Garry Shandling meets Sharon Stone" - Not Just the Best of the Larry Sanders Show John Lennon - "Interview with Tom Snyder 1975" Jean-Baptiste Barriere - "Voix De Lumiere" - Pandemonium: Non, Jamais L'Esperance Tony Robbins - "Assignment: Meet your needs to create ultimate fulfillment 3-48" - PPII - 24 - The Driving Force The Six Human Needs (Part 2) Carmen McRae - "You Took Advantage of Me" - The Ultimate Diva Collection Kim Deal - "Are You Mine?" - Solo Series Nicholas Cage - "can't go back,pages of false starts,way past my deadline" - Adaptation Nicholas Cage, Brian Cox - "God help you if you use voiceover in your work" - Adaptation Kim Deal - "Are You Mine?" - Solo Series Nicholas Cage - "worthless" - Adaptation Meryl Streep - "mutable" - Adaptation Talking Heads - "Dream Operator" - True Stories Margaret Tedesco - "Cameo. Nights, and night" Steven Soderbergh - "It should contain nothing t