World Bank Podcasts

Bookmark: Fictional Mystery, Real Life Tragedy in Somalia



Veronica Li’s experience as a World Bank loans officer in Somalia over twenty years, gave birth to her literary alter-ego – a highly trained intelligence officer who uses her mind and her physical prowess to uncover intrigue, murder, and murky goings-on. Her novel, ‘Nightfall in Mogadishu’, takes place in Somalia in 1990 as the country is on the very brink of political collapse and violence. It is high action murder/mystery set against the backdrop of the real-life tragedy of Somalia that has dragged on for decades and resulted in wide scale death and destruction. In the book, Veronica Li recalls some of her own experiences witnessing events in Somalia, while also summoning up her skills as a writer, to create a page-turning novel. Bookmark explores the creative literary works of World Bank Group staff members. To listen to others episodes of the series, visit: