World Bank Podcasts

Spotlight: Guinea Fowl Could Hatch Thousands of Jobs in Ghana



The livestock market in Garu Tempane is buzzing with activity as buyers and sellers rush to make a deal before closing time. There are vendors selling chickens and goats but guinea fowl seems to be an especially big draw. This is because in Ghana, guinea fowl is one of the most popular sources of animal protein . The bird is native to West Africa and has long been a part of the region’s cuisine and history. The high nutritional content of guinea fowl makes it an important contribution to a food system that can feed every Ghanaian. Today, demand for guinea fowl is outpacing supply. In order to meet this demand, the World Bank-funded West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program, or WAAPP, is working with farmers in Ghana to increase production. With knowledge and the right equipment, guinea fowl can be a low-maintenance livestock to raise. Yeboah: “Guinea fowl, naturally they are heartier and they can also subsist even on vegetation. As they go around, they pick grains and insects. It is easier to man