World Bank Podcasts

Spotlight: Using Empirical Evidence to Improve Public Policy



Most government policies have the potential to broaden equality and bring positive change to the lives of individuals and communities. However, even well-designed policies can have unintended negatives consequences on certain groups of the population. In an effort to improve the ability of countries to use evidence to assess the potential social and economic impacts of policy reforms, The World Bank has created a series of learning events to bring together policymakers, development practitioners, academics, members from civil society, and international organizations, to share their insights and lessons learned in their countries. The most recent of these Poverty and Social Impact Analysis or PSIA learning events was a collaborative effort between The Bank and one of Africa’s most highly regarded academic institutions, The University of Cape Town. About 20 African countries were represented at the workshop in Cape Town, South Africa, as well as thought leaders and policy makers from India. World Bank acting