All Being Well

Irene Ais faces her shadows with yoga



This episode is a truly beautiful conversation about the life enhancing benefits of yoga. If you’ve ever been curious about yoga, or perhaps attended a class and not quite felt ‘it’, or you regularly attend classes and are keen to learn more - this episode is a doorway into explaining and understanding the depth of the practice.Irene Ais is a yoga and meditation teacher, and the co-founder of nomadic yoga school OM People Yoga - offering students the ancient and dynamic practice of yoga on and off the mat.We start with Irene’s own journey to the practice. For many years she wasn’t nurturing herself, travelling the world and disconnected from herself. However she believes that yoga finds us when we’re ready, and that it found her at just the right time with an opportunity to “experience herself”.Since then, Irene has spent 15 years exploring the ancient practices of yoga and meditation, and takes her own students on a journey of self-discovery by combining the physical poses with an invitation to drop into the