Your Medicare Benefits

Medicare Doctors can make House Calls via Telemedicine



Yes your Medicare Doctor can make house calls again, thanks to Telemedicine or also know as Telehealth. Remember the good old days with the doctor made house calls?  Those days are coming back again. Thanks unfortunately to the covid virus. What is the most popular and often asked questions as a relates to healthcare today for not only the senior population but also the under a 65 population is “ is Telemedicine available “ in my plan? Well, I'm happy to report that not only have insurance companies seen the huge benefit and lower costs of a Telemedicine visit but almost all insurance companies, especially those that work in the Medicare field, are implementing telemedicine in there plans right now. By the way Telemedicine is also know as Telehealth. Some companies have implemented it already and most Medicare Insurance plans will have the benefit available to you when you have the opportunity to compare your Medicare Insurance plan for the forth coming year. A brief disclaimer however, this is important,