Trunews With Rick Wiles

Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies: Epstein’s Former Employer Steven Hoffenberg Exposes Blackmail Operation



Today on TruNews we share part one of an exclusive interview with Epstein insider Steven Hoffenberg, who worked with the superspy pedophile at the initiation of his clandestine international blackmail operations, and can reveal actionable details about other co-conspirators and their missions, like infamous Saudi warlords Adnan Khashoggi and Prince Bandar Bush, architects in the billion dollar UK’s Al-Yamamah weapons deal, and British intelligence asset Sir Douglas Leese, who mentored Jeffrey in arms dealing, and may have been a leader in the Order of Saint Hubertus, the secret society of hunters present when Justice Scalia mysteriously died. Mr, Hoffenberg also discusses Epstein's role in the second largest financial ponzi scheme in history, the Towers Financial scandal, and how President Trump and his son-in-law may tie into the network, through Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Steven Hoffenberg. Airdate 07/30/2020